SUSTAINABLE DESIGN I've worked in sustainable design for many years. I have experience in the environmental, social and economic aspects of sustainability, as well as a clear understanding on how diverse companies can tackle these issues in a manner appropiate to their context and scale. Many tactics are available for designing greener goods, from simple, end-of-pipe approaches that facilitate recycling or reclaiming, to more in-depth strategies that include the product and all the systems around it. Therefore, a well tailored set of actions should be defined for each case, which not only is appropriate to a specific company in its manufacturing and social context but that is also cost effective. Research is an integral part of sustainability, and sharing the results an essential element to help others include sustainability in their organizations. I've posted some documents in this website around specific topics, but please do not hessitate to contact me with questions about other areas. I will either tell you what I know, or point you in the right direction. Contact me to talk about your project or other ways to incorporate sustainability to your company.